I thought I better throw this is here now, cause I know myself and I know I won't get this done any other time this week.
Friday marks the 5th anniversary of The Strunks. I have to say that even with it's up and it's downs, it's been a really great 5 years. I'd like to say it's been the best 5 years of my life, but that isn't totally true. Jordan and I have been Jordan and I for 13 years. So the last 5 have just been a drop in the bucket :)
When we got married, I thought things would feel new and exciting. I mean, come on, we would be newlyweds.
We NEVER had that. I'm not sad about it, but it's true. It never felt like a new marriage to me. It was so easy. Our lives were so intertwined when we married that it was like we had been that way for years and we were just finally making it official. I wouldn't trade those 8 years beforehand for anything, but I always find myself advising other girls to NEVER wait 8 years to get married. It's just so silly.......
Or is it? I am thankful that we knew each other so well before we got married. I am thankful that I never had to wake up one morning to discover something new about my husband and wish that I wasn't married to him. I am thankful and I am blessed. I am blessed to have a man who loves me for me, sends me back to school and becomes the sole provider for us, laughs at my really awful jokes, thinks my cooking rocks, teaches me something new everyday, wants to have children with me, and who comes home at the end of the day excited to see me. My world is complete because of him.
I'll never be sorry to be Mrs. Jordan Strunk. It's the best thing I ever did :)