Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm sorry for the delay

This has been one.crazy.week. I feel like I have been shipped off to a new part of the country and I am still waiting on my luggage.

I started my internship this week and it is everything I thought it would be, plus some. Ok, plus like a million, but who keeps track? The first day was rather boring and I got introduced to about 40 people whose names I am expected to remember and know exactly what their purpose is at the HD. They are all wonderfully nice as well. I swear, I'm not just saying that, because if they were down right horrible, I'd be honest. They don't read my blog. I'm not scared.

I would go through everything that I had to do this week, but let's face it, you don't really care that much. I don't really care to spill it all out to you either. Details aren't important. What is important are the following:
1. I got to go be a part of a smoke-free coalition and free cake was involved.
2. I volunteered at the Salvation Army and help with homeless. Free chips were involved.
3. I got to eat indian food for the first time with some co-workers.
4. It was my intern friend Morgan's birthday....again with the free cake.

As you can see, I have given you a list of the most important things to happen to me this week. Free cake was involved more than once and that is hugely important, don't you think?

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am so happy that I got to spend my last week at home before my LAST SEMESTER (wooooo hoooooo!!!!) begins with a sinus infection. I'm so glad that I got to go to the dr. twice, which makes me also very grateful that I got to pay 2 co-pays. Then, to top off all that happiness, I haven't slept in about 2 days.....and, I still went to work. So Happy.

Needless to say, with no sleep, my mind gets to working in overdrive and I realize why I need medication. Last night I literally sang the theme song to "Green Acres" in my head around 15 times. When was the last time I saw "Green Acres"?? I HAVE NO IDEA IF I EVER HAVE! How do I know the theme song? You've got me. Then, I realized that I was going to see how many theme songs I could think of to sing in my head. When I got to "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", I realized that I couldn't remember how it started. I could remember every bit of "Saved By The Bell", but not "Fresh Prince". I felt like I was in a panic. I was mad at myself.

I have tactics to try and make myself fall asleep. I've been doing it for years. But NOTHING was working last night, or the night before. Not even "Green Acres". I would like to blame it on the medication.....but I think it's pretty much all me.

Please don't stop being my friends after reading this.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Adventures of "Pursey"

As I mentioned in my blog about D & A coming over and being allowed the wonderful pleasure of honey bun cake and getting to meet "Pursey" for the first time, I realize that I need to elaborate.

I got Pursey from Jordan's grandmother. She insisted that she asked the lady in Macy's what I would like for Christmas and this is what she was told would be perfect. I think the lady at Macy's must have thought I was 10, but I'm not positive. Funny though, I think it's great! Can you imagine me walking around in Nashville, going dancing, and taking good ol' Pursey with me? (p.s.--I realize that it should be Percy, but we are playing on words....get it?? And, can you really see me dancing in Nashville? Probably not. I am extremely "white" when it comes to dancingof ANY kind.) He would be quite handy if he was big enough to actually carry something besides lipstick. I mean, a tampon won't even fit in him! Anyways, during the craziness of me being me last night, we had some good laughs with Pursey and decided that he is going to be my new thing to entertain with. For at least this year (maybe longer if this turns out to be as funny and fun as we think it will be) I am going to take Pursey around and take his picture at different places. Last night, he joined in for cards.

Jordan even tried to use him for luck at one point. I think Pursey is going to have a great 2011 and I know that you all are on the edge of your seats waiting to see where Pursey will be next. Stay tuned!!

WHAT?!?! I'm not a Libra anymore??

So, I wasn't going to buy into the whole "new astrological sign" thing, but guess what happened??? Last night, Dylan and Ang came over (for a great game of cards, honey bun cake, and to see my new purse....more info to follow about the new purse adventure) and out of nowhere, they tell me that the horoscope signs have changed. Not a big deal, right?? Well........

What if this was on your body?
What if you were no longer a Libra? What if you had these marks on your stomach when you wore jeans that were too tight? (ok, so that's not the point, but oh well). This was something I did at the very wise age of 18, you know, when I was busy flunking out of school and all that. I did put thought into it though, probably not the thought that a 28 year old would, but I did think that this was a symbol of me that would never change. I would forever be a Libra. Now, some crazy person has went and blew that all to hell for me.

Thanks new astrological sign thinker-upper. I hate you. I also hate the camera that makes me look a little more chunky than I would like in the above picture.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hi, My name is Kelly and I'm an Intern

Starting the 24th of this month, I am officially an intern for Barren River Health Department in Disaster Preparedness. Excited isn't even the word for what I am. It was my first choice for an internship because it is one area of public health that I love the most.

Rewind back to the beginning of last year....I can home crying the first week of class, telling Jordan that this was the worst idea I ever had, changing my major to public health. To be totally honest (because let's face it, my blog is the easiest place to be totally honest) there was no way I was going to get into nursing school. I had screwed up so much on the beginning of my college career back in 2000 that I would have to go to school for another 12 years or even longer to fix my GPA. I don't have the time, the money, or whatever else I would need to accomplish that. I had no choice but to change my major. So the most logical change was public health. I still hate when people look at me all crazy-like when I tell them that my major is public health, but at least I now know what to say when they ask me what I want to do with public health. I found my nitch in public health, even when I thought there was no hope.

So, what do I want to do with public health? I'm glad you asked! I want to either work in disaster preparedness for a health department or I want to work for a non profit like American Heart Association or I want to work at Red Cross. Last but not least, I wouldn't mind working for the Center for Disease Control, but I think we would have to definitely move if I did that. CDC would be awesome because I like disease and gross stuff. I enjoy the thoughts of disaster preparedness because I want to be the person behind the scenes helping during one of the most difficult times in other's lives. Mostly, I want to give back. That's what I want to do. I want to work for a living, making crap money, filling up my heart with love and compassion for others.

So, wish me luck! BRHD here I come!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jordan's Barn

In my last post, I mentioned that Jordan was building a barn. I hope that I didn't lead some of you on by acting like this is something that will be done in a week and that Jordan is one of those people who only does things half-ass. Because that is NOT the case. This barn will take forever to get finished and it has been measured, re-measured, and re-re-measured so many times that I lost count. I love him and his very anal ways of doing things, but every now and then, I just want to be able to hang a picture on the wall with a push pin and call it a day. I don't want to have to get out the level to make sure it all looks perfect. (p.s.--if Jordan knew that I had things hanging by push pins in the house, he would DIE!)

How this all began was that our land came complete with a very old, almost falling down barn and an outhouse. Yep, an out
house. Even though the barn was beautifully old, it served no purpose except for a place for our cat to catch mice and sleep in when it was raining. We needed a new barn.

Why do I say need? Because my tiny tiny Honda Civic is the only car that can fit in our garage on the house. Why is that you say? Because we have tools, a tool box, a 5 tier shelf with nothing (I swear on my life this is true) but FISHING stuff on it, a lawnmower, and last but definately not even close to everything are the 7 CHAINSAWS. Yep. 7. Don't even get me started.

So, because my love for the barn was outdone by the fact that we needed more space for the 2 boats, a truck, a tractor, a lawnmower, and those 7 chainsaws, the barn had to go. But before it did, I asked my wonderfully understanding bff Ang to come and take pictures of it. I guess I need to mention that Ang is a photographer by day and not just a friend that I asked to come take pictures because I'm too lazy. She did a great job at capturing my barn for what it really was to me, a sentimental piece of our ho
me. I loved this barn and all the nights that we just knew it was going to fall because the wind was blowing or how we would come home in the afternoon and see the cat jump out of the top, waking up from an all day slumber. I love that this barn was here in the beginning for us. It made our house feel like a home right from the start.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Sorry for the MIA. With the holidays and the break from school, I surgically removed myself from the computer. All in all, we had a great holiday, but I am very glad it's over. Not that I don't like celebrating, but I am glad that everything is back to normal, my house has been "undecorated", and the laundry is caught up.

Not much else to say, I have went back to work full time until I go back to school at the end of the month (which does a great job of reminding me why I went back to school in the first place), Jordan is working on a new barn in the back yard and I am asking daily for a new car. So pretty much just a normal day around here all the time, nothing has changed.

Hope you all had a great holiday as well. I'll be back soon.