Who would have guessed that my next thankfulness would be towards Jordan? Ok, every one thought it would be to Jordan. Even I knew. But for reasons that I hope will surprise you (cause if they didn't, this would be one boring blog) I am going to tell you why I am so thankful everyday that Jordan is in my life.
We started dating 12 years ago! Yep, that's right, 12. Those have been some of the happiest and saddest 12 years of my life, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. All of you reading this (which means just you Cayce :) ) know the heartache that Jordan and I have went through and what we have conquered. Jordan was a hard person to love for several years, but it doesn't mean that I loved him less. I tell people often that I feel like I have loved 3 men, Jordan from high school, Jordan after his dad died, and Jordan after he realized he would never get me back if he kept being a jerk. Yes, we broke up for a span of time and I dated someone else. I will never regret that, because it made me see that I was possible to be loved by someone else and it was possible to be happy again, yet it made me also realize that I wanted to be happy with Jordan. He never gave up, called everyday, and finally (when he stopped calling for 2 weeks) made me see that there was no way I could live without him.
So, now that you are wiping away the tears of joy and sadness for us that I have placed upon you (bahahahaha), I will tell you why I am so thankful for Jordan.
He BELIEVES in me. He believes that no matter what, I can be anything I want to be. Somehow, he thinks (or he says he knows) that I am much smarter that I think I am. He thinks I can save the world with this public health degree. He thinks that I can make a mean buffalo chicken dip. He thinks I am the most beautiful and I know this because he tells me everyday. He thinks that I am obsessive and silly most of the time. He loves me in spite of the fact that I'm silly and obsessive. He has made me grow up, take responsibility, finish my degree, and just plain feel better about myself. He is not perfect and not always nice, but who is? He is always honest (which falls back under the not nice category) and I am thankful for that too. I am thankful for his faults, for his courage, for his mind, for his.....well, his everything. He has truly made me complete and I pray everyday to God, thanking Him for Jordan.
So there you have it, I am still crazy in love with my high school sweetheart. See, it is possible!