I know that Thanksgiving is over, but I had to share one more thankful blog, and that's only cause he's so cute and fluffy. This is my Barley, Or "Burley" as we usually call him. I got Barley from someone that I worked with at the bank a million years ago. I called my mom that day, cause I still lived at home, and asked if I could bring home a kitten....her response was......"you'll just have to call your dad". Really? Really Mom? Did you really think that my Daddy would say no to his precious little girl? So I called Dad....his response...."He just can't stay in the house".
Did I mention that Barley is my inside/outside cat?
He lives inside when we are not home (well, during the day he sleeps inside all day to be accurate) and outside when we are. In other words, he really hates us and is glad to share a home with us only when we are not there. I think what he really hates is that I love to pick him up and hug him and squeeze him and make up songs with his name in them....ok, yeah, I have a problem beside the fact that my cat hates me.
I love this cat like no other. He is totally hilarious and makes Jordan and I laugh constantly. By the way, Jordan tried to make me get rid of him when we married. I am pretty sure that he would now be just as upset as I would be if something happened to our "Burley". He brings a little joy to my life when the days at school or work have not. So I am thankful for my "Burley" and hope that he is thankful for me and my warm bed.
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