Well, I officially have only two weeks left in this semester!!!! I can't believe it's almost over! In January, I will start my LAST semester at Western. Again, I never thought this would happen. If I were up there, winning an Emmy, and I had to thank someone or several someones, Jordan would be the obvious first. The thing is, I'm not sure who would be the second. I have had many people behind me and even more than that who ask me all the time how school is going. There would be so many people to thank that I would be the one that they ran off stage with the horrible music that they play at those award shows.
So, if you are reading this, I am sure that you have helped me somehow in this crazy long process of getting a degree that I was a little apprehensive about in the beginning, but now feel VERY excited about. Here is you very long overdue THANK YOU!!!! I hope that I can continue to count on all of you when job seeking begins.....I may be even more crazy then!
Also, thanks for not playing the bad music on me while I was in the middle of my very dramatic speech.
woohooo! go kelly! (and big red) I'm proud of you!