Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hi, My name is Kelly and I'm an Intern

Starting the 24th of this month, I am officially an intern for Barren River Health Department in Disaster Preparedness. Excited isn't even the word for what I am. It was my first choice for an internship because it is one area of public health that I love the most.

Rewind back to the beginning of last year....I can home crying the first week of class, telling Jordan that this was the worst idea I ever had, changing my major to public health. To be totally honest (because let's face it, my blog is the easiest place to be totally honest) there was no way I was going to get into nursing school. I had screwed up so much on the beginning of my college career back in 2000 that I would have to go to school for another 12 years or even longer to fix my GPA. I don't have the time, the money, or whatever else I would need to accomplish that. I had no choice but to change my major. So the most logical change was public health. I still hate when people look at me all crazy-like when I tell them that my major is public health, but at least I now know what to say when they ask me what I want to do with public health. I found my nitch in public health, even when I thought there was no hope.

So, what do I want to do with public health? I'm glad you asked! I want to either work in disaster preparedness for a health department or I want to work for a non profit like American Heart Association or I want to work at Red Cross. Last but not least, I wouldn't mind working for the Center for Disease Control, but I think we would have to definitely move if I did that. CDC would be awesome because I like disease and gross stuff. I enjoy the thoughts of disaster preparedness because I want to be the person behind the scenes helping during one of the most difficult times in other's lives. Mostly, I want to give back. That's what I want to do. I want to work for a living, making crap money, filling up my heart with love and compassion for others.

So, wish me luck! BRHD here I come!


  1. Congratulations! How exciting!

  2. Ha. I just realized Cayce and I said the same thing! Funny.

  3. Thanks you guys! I am really excited. Pray for me that it ends up in a job as well! I dread the thoughts of having to drive to Nashville everyday.
