How this all began was that our land came complete with a very old, almost falling down barn and an outhouse. Yep, an outhouse. Even though the barn was beautifully old, it served no purpose except for a place for our cat to catch mice and sleep in when it was raining. We needed a new barn.
Why do I say need? Because my tiny tiny Honda Civic is the only car that can fit in our garage on the house. Why is that you say? Because we have tools, a tool box, a 5 tier shelf with nothing (I swear on my life this is true) but FISHING stuff on it, a lawnmower, and last but definately not even close to everything are the 7 CHAINSAWS. Yep. 7. Don't even get me started.
So, because my love for the barn was outdone by the fact that we needed more space for the 2 boats, a truck, a tractor, a lawnmower, and those 7 chainsaws, the barn had to go. But before it did, I asked my wonderfully understanding bff Ang to come and take pictures of it. I guess I need to mention that Ang is a photographer by day and not just a friend that I asked to come take pictures because I'm too lazy. She did a great job at capturing my barn for what it really was to me, a sentimental piece of our home. I loved this barn and all the nights that we just knew it was going to fall because the wind was blowing or how we would come home in the afternoon and see the cat jump out of the top, waking up from an all day slumber. I love that this barn was here in the beginning for us. It made our house feel like a home right from the start.

Love the barn.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way when j takes on a new project. I love how hard working and meticulous he is but MAN it can drive me crazy too. :)
oh and 7 chainsaws? Whaaaaaa?
haha on the hardwood. Maybe if I get Katie to spill it in the middle of the living room next I will get new hardwoods like you!
ReplyDeleteAW... good idea to take a picture first! What a sweet memory.
ReplyDeleteWonder if Nathan knows Jordan is building another? It would probably do BOTH of them some good if he came to help! lol.