Friday, January 21, 2011


I am so happy that I got to spend my last week at home before my LAST SEMESTER (wooooo hoooooo!!!!) begins with a sinus infection. I'm so glad that I got to go to the dr. twice, which makes me also very grateful that I got to pay 2 co-pays. Then, to top off all that happiness, I haven't slept in about 2 days.....and, I still went to work. So Happy.

Needless to say, with no sleep, my mind gets to working in overdrive and I realize why I need medication. Last night I literally sang the theme song to "Green Acres" in my head around 15 times. When was the last time I saw "Green Acres"?? I HAVE NO IDEA IF I EVER HAVE! How do I know the theme song? You've got me. Then, I realized that I was going to see how many theme songs I could think of to sing in my head. When I got to "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", I realized that I couldn't remember how it started. I could remember every bit of "Saved By The Bell", but not "Fresh Prince". I felt like I was in a panic. I was mad at myself.

I have tactics to try and make myself fall asleep. I've been doing it for years. But NOTHING was working last night, or the night before. Not even "Green Acres". I would like to blame it on the medication.....but I think it's pretty much all me.

Please don't stop being my friends after reading this.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I'm not going to be your friend anymore. Twenty years has been enough for me. :)

    Sorry you have to start you LAST SEMESTER (yay! I'm jealous!) sick!
